Young people and adults have been advised to develop themselves into people of noble character because such people stand out in the society, and do not join the multitude to do evil. The advice was given by  Mrs. Oluranti Ademowo, an experienced preacher and wife of immediate past bishop of the Diocese of Lagos[Anglican Communion] and a former Dean, Church of Nigeria, Most Rev. Dr. Ephraim A. Ademowo.  Mrs. Ademowo spoke while preaching the sermon at the Mothering Sunday service at Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo. Ademowo, who spoke on the theme ‘ Children of Noble Character’, said nobility cannot Be inherited from parents, or got through wishful thinking, saying people have to work towards developing noble character.

Taking her text from 2nd Timothy 2: 22, she stated that people of noble character flee from youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness and integrity. She told the students, and other people in the service, to become people of high integrity, saying the training they were undergoing in the institution was to prepare them for the future. She said people of nobility stand out because they stick to the right thing irrespective of the trend and custom of the world. They are steadfast, and do not move with the crowd. She said such people seek to know God better, and urged her audience to become people who would make their mothers proud, not cause them sleepless nights. She said other characteristics of noble people include selflessness, discipline and generosity. She told her audience to always show gratitude to God , and people who have rendered help to them, stating that a grateful heart is always at peace .

‘Nobility does not come as a family inheritance, you develop it by yourself, your parents cannot bequeath it to you,  you work towards it by releasing yourself to Jesus Christ so that He will release the Holy Spirit to you’ She said. At the end of her message she invited the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Rt. Rev. Professor Dapo F. Asaju to pray for people at the service that the lord will help them become people of noble character.

Earlier, the chief host of the event, Barrister [Mrs.] Harriet Dapo Asaju, had described Mrs Ademowo as a quintessential woman, prayer warrior and role model who has been of immense help to her work in the ministry . She also described Mrs  Ademowo as generous, hardworking  and experienced in the work of evangelism, stating  that she was worthy of being celebrated.

Later, the Chapel of Ajayi Crowther University, gave gifts to mothers in the service to appreciate them for the day. Principal Officers of the University, professors and other dignitaries attended the service.

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