The Vice-Chancellor of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Rt. Rev. Professor Dapo Asaju, has condemned the recent killings in Barkin Ladi Local Government of Plateau state, and urged Church leaders to speak up, collectively  and individually, in condemnation of the situation. He stated that the killings in Nigeria have reached an alarming rate, insisting that if nothing is done about it, the killings, which seem to be targeted at Christians, will continue unabated.

‘Church leaders must now speak up. I am saddened by this situation. It has come to a point where there should be some form of strike action by segments of the workforce to protest these killings. This cannot continue. Workers and, indeed, everyone should embark on symbolic strike action to protest these killings. The church must break denominational barriers on this matter and come together against these killings, which seem to be targeted at Christians’ said the Vice-Chancellor who is also Bishop Theologian of Church of Nigeria [Anglican Communion].  He said it was unfortunate that the Federal Government seem not to be doing much to nip these killings in the bud. He expressed sadness that, in spite of the predictions of the opponents of this regime, before it came into power, that such killings may escalate, the regime has not worked in a manner to show that it was capable of being on top of the security situation in Nigeria.

He made the comments when the University signed a Memorandum of Understanding [MOU], yesterday,  with the Reuben George Theological seminary Ibadan, run by Gospel Faith Mission International[GOFAMINT]. The agreement would enable students of the seminary earn degrees from Ajayi Crowther University on graduation.

The Vice-Chancellor said the reason for the Memoramdum of Understanding was largely to ensure that pastors to be trained in the seminary get sound theological and moral training. He said the there has lately been some level of rascality in the church, such that all manner of people and doctrines now pervade the church. He said there was need for the churches to ensure that the clergy get good training.

In his response the board the chairman of the seminary, Dr. Emmanuel  Oluwayemi, promised that the seminary would ensure that students get the best of training in the school. He also disclosed that Christian leaders have scheduled a meeting to enable them respond appropriately to the security situation in Nigeria,

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Ajayi Crowther University, Professor Jacob Adeniyi, the Registrars of both institutions and other top management staff were at the Council chambers of Ajayi Crowther University, where the Memorandum of Understanding[MOU] was signed.

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