Scholarly articles are invited from academics and researchers in the Humanities, Social and Management Sciences disciplines to be considered for publication in the ACU International Journal of Accounting and Finance in the Vol. 1. No.1. The journal is published twice in a year, January – June and June December respectively.

Preparation of Manuscripts for Submission

Manuscript must be in clear, unambiguous and concise English, Typed double-spaced with font size 12 in Times New Roman with 3cm margin. All manuscripts must be original, analytical and lucid. Manuscript must not exceed 17 pages including references. Authors are free to adopt either APA, MLA or Chicago Manual of Style as referencing style. All papers submitted must bear authors’ names, affiliated institutions, GSM number and e-mail addresses. Only papers that have not been published or are not currently under review for publication elsewhere should be submitted.

Submission and Assessment/Publication Fee

Articles sent for consideration must be accompanied with non-refundable assessment fee of N5,000 payable to the Editor-In-Chief: Prof: A.A. Owojori, FCA, Zenith Bank Account Number 1004417973. All submitted articles will be peer reviewed and if found publishable, authors will be expected to effect all the necessary corrections as recommended by the assessors and to return a clean soft and hard copy after corrections together with a publication fee of N20,000.

All contributors will be entitled to ONE complimentary copy of the journal after publication Intending contributors should send e-copy of their paper(s) via the dedicated journal e-mail: [email protected] and/or [email protected] and a hard-copy to the above contact address.

For further inquiries, please call:

The Editor:                 Dr. O. Oyedele (08035623881)

Editor-in-Chief:          Prof. A.A. Owojori, FCA (08033525195)

Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Prof. A.A. Owojori, FCA; Editor: Dr. O. Oyedele;

Editorial Advisers: Prof. T.O. Asaolu, FCA; Prof. I.R. Akintoye, FCA; Prof. P.O. Oladele; Prof. Bayo Oloyede; Prof. R.O. Salawu, FCA; Dr. C.O. Olaoye, FCA

Secretary: O.A. Adedipe.