At an Emergency Meeting held today, Tuesday, March 24, 2020, the University Management reviewed the global health challenge occasioned by the coronavirus (COVID – 19) Pandemic and its implications for the continued functioning of the University, with little or no hindrance.  After an exhaustive deliberation, Management resolved as follows:

  1. In compliance with the directives of the Federal Government and the National Universities Commission (NUC), students have been sent home, with the few remaining students directed to vacate the University campus not later than Friday, March 27, 2020;
  2. Management observed that the situation with the staff on campus is such that the University still operates without congestion, and if members of staff obey all rules and guidelines put in place for preventive measures against COVID – 19 such as handwashing and application of sanitizers, they can continue with their work until further notice;
  3. Handwashing basins have been erected at strategic locations all over the campus and other materials for handwashing such as soap and sanitizers will be made available shortly and MUST be used by all staff and visitors;
  4. It is COMPULSORY for all members of staff and visitors to wash their hands and apply sanitizer at the gate before coming into the campus;
  5. During office hours, members of staff MUST wash their hands and apply sanitizers as often as the need arises;
  6. Members of staff are urged to be vigilant, avoid handshake or hugging and maintain a safe distance from other people. They MUST avoid spitting or unprotected sneezing or coughing which may affect other people;
  7. Any member of staff who presents symptoms of fever or cough should be IMMEDIATELY reported to the Director of the University Health Services for urgent medical attention;
  8. With the students now on health vacation, visitors are no longer encouraged to come to the campus, and members of staff should note that this is not the time to receive visitors to the campus.
  9. Teaching staff should utilize this period to do audio-visual recording of their lectures and produce such lectures for online publication for the use of their students in accordance with the decision of Senate at its Emergency Meeting held on Friday, March 20, 2020;
  10. Management awaits further directives/guidelines from Government on how to handle the Coronavirus (COVID – 19) Pandemic and hereby assures the University Community that if it becomes necessary to lock down the University, Management will do so promptly; and
  11. Management has decided to suspend forthwith the weekly Staff Fellowship until further notice. The period of the fellowship should, however, be used by the various units of the University for their own devotion time.

Management wishes all staff members God’s guidance and protection, not only within their offices on the campus, but even as they manage the COVID – 19 prevention strategies in their respective homes.


Thank you.



Adenike T. Fatogun (Mrs.)                                                     ACU/RO/7.15

Registrar                                                                                 March 24, 2020