Mathematics is a living subject with new processes, techniques and theories constantly being devised, tested and explored. The extensive use of the computer in a wide range of academic areas has led to an increasing demand for Mathematical Analysis in many fields previously unconcerned with Mathematics. This means that Mathematicians are being asked to develop new tools and techniques to deal with areas from Business Management in Industrial Environment to Biology, as well as considering new insights being opened up in the more traditional areas of Physical Sciences and Engineering.

All these activities lead not only to new applications of Mathematics, but also to new theoretical work on the structure of the Mathematics involved. Mathematics is a pivotal for Financial Institutions, the Insurance Industries and National Development, providing tools that guarantee secured Electronic Data transfer and Communications. These industries require a considerable pool of highly qualified, locally and internationally based Mathematicians.

The demand for Statistics experts to foster growth and development of Nigeria’s economy is a clarion’s call to Institutions of higher learning to develop human capacity to meet these needs. Statistics gives detailed analysis to occurrences in all areas of human endeavours such as events, experiments, research works etc. and such analysis help to understand the interpretation of various scenarios present. These can be used for future predictions, reliability of models/proposed solutions and cost benefit analysis that can be used for vital decision making. Statistics serves as a useful tool for analysis and evaluation. The programme offers among other things; a classical knowledge of Statistics, Data gathering and Interpretation and a practical implementation of the knowledge gained using up – to – date Statistical software packages such as R software, SPSS, Stata etc.

There are many job opportunities for Mathematics and Statistics graduates which include the following; Research Institutes (Universities); Public Service Commissions (Federal, State and Local); Financial Institutions (Banks, Investment, Finance and Insurance Companies); Computing Firms (Government, Commerce and Industry); Teaching and Lecturing at all levels of learning and a host of other job opportunities.

I therefore welcome you to the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Natural