Highlights of the ACU VC’s ACTIONED Activities Since Assumption of Duties

Highlights of the ACU VC’s ACTIONED Activities Since Assumption of Duties 2 Months Ago [5th October – 5th December 2015]

  • Discipline RESTORED to the campus;
  • Dress code enforced;
  • Lectures attendance for students and Lecturers made compulsory ( attendance documentation for lectures);
  • Off campus movement of students  curbed;
  • No forms of harassment from lecturers to Students;
  • Complete open door policy (VC’s direct GSM numbers given to Students);
  • Drugs and facilities supplied to the University clinic worth N1 million;
  • Addressing dearth of space for Lectures. Works have commenced on 20 BLOCKS lecture rooms to be filled with state of the art facilities.
  • Student living conditions in the Halls of Residence considerably improved with plasma TV, washing machines, Refrigerators, etc.
  • Rapid response TASK FORCE constituted to address cases of plumbing, carpentry, electricity needs;Council of Legal Education in Nigeria visited and APPROVED 100% quota admission for Faculty of Law (N17 million spent within 1 week notice of visitation notice to meet up with the standard required on books and facilities);
  • A Coaster Bus worth N30 million bought for ACU, Oyo
  • Internet facilities upgraded and to serve all Halls of Residence 365 days un-interrupted;
  • Intra-campus roads tarred to maximum standards and landscaping with flowers;
  • Students devotion hours in halls of residents, staff devotional hour in offices and corporate communion SERVICES every Wednesday;
  • Staff Development Policy for re-training from 2016;
  • Staff welfare/hospitalization with full attention;
  • NUC to visit soonest for the approval of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences;
  • Faculty of Education in pipeline to compliment  thew Foundational concept of the old College hosting the University site;
  • ACU Senate approved Post-Graduate Degrees with 17 programmes immediately;
  • Prof. Ayodabo now Dean – PGD School, ACU, Oyo;
  • Some Students (under suspension) and noted to be difficult from HOME will be recalled, rehabilitated and re-integrated into the campus with assistance of Scripture Union (SU). The Church cannot REJECT its own sheeps; 
  • ACU Management determined to make the Institution as MORALLY and SPIRITUALLY compliance for all Students and Workers;
  • Rev. Biyi AJALA of Holding Forth the Word Ministry Bradwell Road, New Bradwell, Milton Keynes, MK130EJ, UK – was the preacher at the 7th ACU Convocation Valedictory Service for Graduating Students on December 4, 2015.
    He preached on “DIVINE RE-ARRANGEMENT” (II Kings 4; Esther 2:15-17; Like 5:11;); 
  • Wife of the VC, Barr. Mrs. Harriet Asaju was full of appreciations to ALL STAKEHOLDERS, believing the the “Living Proof of God is in ACU, Oyo”.
  • Proposal for 60 bed Guest House for the University under construction and in focus;
  • Ajayi Crowther University Local radio FM Station conceived for 2016;
  • Academically deficient students will not do RE-RUN examinations again. Rather, those affected will return to campus to sit for the examinations at once within regular sessions.

Prof. Sangodoyin (Chairman) – 08033715522
Prof. Ayodabo (Gen. Secretary) – 08033604983
Babijo Otepola Adeolu (JP) (PRO) – 08033733748


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