The first professor of Mass Communication, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Benjamin Popoola, recently delivered his inaugural lecture, where he called on media practitioners to treat conflicts among politicians with care because of their effects on the nation’s development.

A publisher of scores of books and journals, Popoola, in his lecture titled, Media, politics and conflicts in Nigeria: The fourth or the ruinous estate of the realms, said that the Nigerian press should awaken the consciousness of Nigerians in respect of the people and antecedents of political aspirants.

The don emphasised that during personality-induced political crises, the press should devote attention to proposals for resolution and report more areas of common interest among the conflicting parties.

“When it is obvious that a political conflict is brewing, the Nigerian press should perform its traditional function of surveillance of the environment by reporting early warning signals on the conflict. These signals must be directed at nipping the conflict in the bud,” said the don.

The Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Dapo Asaju, commended Popoola for his contribution to scholarly works over the years, while also calling on the youths to emulate him for attaining the feat at a young age.

“Prof. Popoola is still in his youth but his contribution to scholarly efforts is immense. We need to encourage our youths to develop interest in building themselves academically for the progress of this country,” he said.

CULLED FROM Punch News Online (http://www.punchng.com/popoola-advises-media-on-conflict-resolution/)

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