The Registrar of Ajayi Crowther University, Mrs.Adenike T. Fatogun, today organized a seminar for food vendors in the University. In her opening remarks at the event held in one of the seminar rooms in the new wing of Faculty of Natural Sciences building, she stated that it was the first in a series to be held periodically for those who run canteens in the University. The essence, she said, was to ensure that they render good service, and to serve hygienically prepared food to students, staff, and visitors. She assured them that the University will support them in ensuring render top-notch service to the Community.

Three lectures were delivered at the event. Dr. Mrs. Olanbiwoninu of Department of Biological Sciences, Mr. John Olayiwola, and Mrs. Mbabie, gave lectures to the food vendors on cleanliness, Lassa fever and hardworking respectively. The vendors later interacted with the lecturers and sought clarification on issues they did not understand. The Registrar later reiterated that the seminar would be a regular exercise, to ensure that the food vendors render good service.

Hand gloves, posters, and other items to remind the vendors about issues discussed at the seminar were given to the vendors, courtesy of the University.

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