Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C 2
EDU 1104 Elements of special education C 2
GES 1105 Use of library & ICT C 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3
GCE 1101 Introduction and development of Guidance & Counselling C 2
GCE 1102 Psychological foundation of Guidance and Counselling E 2
GCE 1103 Introduction  to Psychology C 2
Additional two elective courses  in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for.   4
Total 19

Minimum Credits Required = 15; Maximum Credits Required = 24 C = Compulsory R= Required      E= Elective.


Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDF 2101 Historical foundations of Education C 2
EDU 2102 Introduction to Educational Technology C 2
GCE 2101 Communication in counseling E 2
GCE 2102 Organization of Guidance and Counseling  in schools C 2
GCE 2103 Counselling for special needs C 2
GCE 2104 Testing in counselling  & techniques in Continuous Assessment C 2
GCE 2105 Client  management in Guidance and Counseling E 2
GES 2102 Introduction to logic & philosophy C 2
GES 2108 Introduction to Science and Technology R 2
Additional two elective courses in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for. E 4
Total 16/25
Direct Entry students are to take the following courses  
GES 1105 Use of Library and ICT C 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C         2

Minimum Credits Required = 15; Maximum Credits Required = 24 C = Compulsory R= Required      E= Elective


Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDU 3101 Curriculum and instruction I C 2
EDU 3103 Teaching practice 1 C 3
EDU 3105 Micro Teaching C 0
EDF 3103 Tests and Measurement C 2
GCE 3101 Guidance & Counselling and Adolescent Psychology C 2
GCE 3102 Occupational information, job analysis and job evaluation C 2
GCE 3103 Crisis intervention in Counselling E 2
GCE 3104 Ethics in Counselling E 2
GCE 3105 Practicum in Guidance and Counselling 1 C 2
GCE 3106 Theories of counselling C 2
Additional two elective courses in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for.   4
Total 19

            Minimum Credits Required = 15; Maximum Credits Required = 24 C = Compulsory R= Required             E= Elective.                                



Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDU 4101 Curriculum and Instruction II C 2
EDU 4103 Teaching practice II C 3
GCE 4101 Practicum in Counselling II C 2
GCE 4106 Abnormal Psychology and Career Guidance Counselling C 2
GCE 4109 Social and Psychological factors in learning C 2
GCE 4102 Introduction to Culture and Psychopathology C 2
GCE 4103 Pastoral Counselling E 2
GCE 4104 Counselling in special settings C 2
GCE 4105 Management and Counselling of the aged and the disabled C 2
GCE 4108 Biological Psychology C 2
GCE 4110 Method of Psychotherapy C 2
Additional one elective course in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for.   2
Total 23

            Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         R= Required   E= Elective.