ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]



Course Code Course Title Status L P




CHM 1102 General Chemistry I R 3 3
CHM 1104 Experimental Chemistry I R 1 1
CSC 1101 Introduction to Computing R 2 2
GEY 1101 Introduction to Geology I C 3 3
MTH 1101 Elementary Mathematics I R 3 3
PHY 1101 Mechanics R 3 3
PHY 1107 Experimental Physics I R 1 1
STA 1101 Introduction to Statistics R 2 2
GES 1105 Use of Library, Information & Communication Technology C 2 2
GES 1108 Communication in English I


C 3 3
  Total       23


BIO 1101 General Biology I E 3 3

Minimum Credits Required =15     Maximum Credits Required =24

C= Compulsory R = Required E= Electives L= Lecture P= Practical



Course Code Course Title Status L P Credits
CHM 2104 Inorganic Chemistry I R 2 1 3
CHM 2106 Analytical Chemistry I R 2 1 3
GEY 2101 Crystallography & Mineralogy C 2 1 3
GEY 2104 Introduction to Petrology C 1 1 2
GEY 2106 Elementary Surveying R 1 1 2
GEY 2108 Macropalaeontogy R 1 1 2
GEY 2109 Geological Map Interpretation R 1 1 2
GES  2102 Introduction to Logic & Philosophy C 2 2
  Total   19

In addition to the above, Direct Entry students are to register for the following GES courses

Course Code Course Title Status L P Credits
GES 1105 Use of Library, Information & Communication Technology C 2 2
GES 1108 Communication in English I C 3 3

Minimum Credits Required =15       Maximum Credits Required =24

C= Compulsory R= Required E= Electives L= Lecture P= Practical



Course Code Course Title Status L P Credits
GEY 3101 Sedimentology and Sedimentary Petrology C 2 1 3
GEY 3102 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology C 2 1 3
GEY 3105 Structural Geology C 2 1 3
GEY 3106 Micropaleontology R 1 1 2
GEY 3109 Fundamentals of Geochemistry R 2 2
GEY 3117 Principles of Geophysics R 2 2
GEY 3119 Remote Sensing & Photogeological Interpretation R 1 1 2
  Total   17


GEY 3116 Introduction to Mineral Economics E 2 2

Minimum Credits Required =15     Maximum Credits Required =24

C= Compulsory R = Required E= Electives L= Lecture P= Practical



S/N Course Code Course Title Status L P Credits
1 GEY 4101 Geotectonics R 2 2
GEY 4102 Isotope Geology R 2 2
2 GEY 4103 Palynology R 2 1 2
3 GEY 4104 Seminar in Geology C 2 2
4 GEY 4107 Exploration Geology R 2 2
5 GEY 4108 Hydrogeology R 2 1 2
6. GEY 4109 Geostaistics & Geoinformatics R 1 1 2
7. GEY 4113 Marine Geology R 2 2
8. GEY 4115 Geology of Nigeria C 2 1 3
    Total   19


GEY 4117 Environmental & Medical Geochemistry E 2 2

Minimum Credits Required =15   Maximum Credits Required =24

C= Compulsory R = Required E= Electives L= Lecture P= Practical