Prof. Popoola, a First Class graduate of Mass Communication of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, pioneer Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies was first appointed as DVC on February 2, 2022, and subsequently ratified by the Senate on February 8, 2022, for a two-year tenure. The first appointment lapsed recently.
Presenting the DVC to the Senate for reappointment, however, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Timothy Abiodun Adebayo who spoke glowingly about his loyal Deputy, affirmed that Prof. Popoola was a diligent and dutiful academic whose abilities and contributions to the university over the past two years has been remarkable.
Although Prof. Popoola was unable to attend the meeting due to official duties, the Vice-Chancellor testified to his commitment to duties as well as his loyalty to the university, saying, Popoola is an asset to ACU.
According to the VC, ” a few days ago, his tenure expired as the DVC and by the extant provision of this University, on appointment/renewal of the office of the DVC, I hereby present him to the Senate for a second term in office”
He added, “After carefully evaluating his service to the University, I firmly believe that he merits a second term in office due to his exceptional efficiency and significant contributions to the University’s growth over the past two years. I humbly seek the Senate’s endorsement for his reappointment.”
The Senate of the university later unanimously approved the reappointment.