ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]

Philosophy & Objective


The imperative of developing and improving the individual to be of maximum value and service to the immediate community, the nation and the global community forms the basis of Ajayi Crowther University’s philosophy. Oyo also has cultural and historical significance priding itself as a trail-blaizer, The Architecture programme therefore envisions holistic and innovative approaches to create enabling and sustainable environments for human activities at micro and macro levels. It adopts the definition of
Architecture as the art and science of buildings, in theory  and practice of Design, Coordination of Allied Professional Inputs in management of assembling, commissioning and maintenance of Buildings or Group of Buildings as well as organise spaces that are required for Human and Other Activities within Built-Environment.

The above stated is in line with the VISION and MISSION of the University, on the one hand, and within the context of the BMAS of NUC and other relevant Professional Bodies.


The University seeks to produce architects with professional and intellectual capacities and entrepreneurial skills to contribute meaningfully to the built-environment development by innovatively and responsively addressing the dynamic built environment and its
multi-various challenges.


The specific goals of the programme in the Department of Architecture at ACU, Oyo towards achieving the above aim include:

  1. to provide students with knowledge and skills to enhance their performance and to enable them to assume broader responsibility in the rapidly changing built environment in Nigeria and the world;
  2. to provide the knowledge required for the understanding and practical analysis of problems related to the built environment;’
  3. to produce needed research personnel for in-depth study and development of locally available building materials- for achieving affordable housing for the teeming population in Nigeria, and
  4. provide a comprehensive education such that the graduate is able to plan, design, build and commission, maintain and coordinate the allied professional input in the development of the human environment.


The programmes are designed to develop through research, economic and efficient means and methods of building within the social, cultural and physical context. The students are, therefore, expected to be conversant with research in design theory, human behaviour patterns and perception, sustainable architectural technologies and building to:

  1. produce creative and competent professionals who are capable of meeting the challenges of creating comfortable human environments;
  2. explore the rich cultural, traditional and locally available resources and technologies of the country and adapting them to efficient and effective use;
  3. provide an educational process which recognizes and is sensitive to individual student’s needs one one hand and to human needs, the wise use and conservation of resources on the other hand.;
  4. provide a comprehensive education such that the graduate is able to plan, design, build and commission, maintain and coordinate the allied professional inputs in the development of the human environment; and
  5. provide an educational structure that is flexible and able to meet the critical needs of architectural education in Nigeria.