ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]

B.Sc. Estate Management

Estate Management is an art and science of supervising the use, development and management of landed property, other natural resources and the built environment. The Estate Management programme is designed to prepare students to appreciate the complexity of legal economic, technological and social impacts on the use, development and management of land and the environment. The emerging world trend in technological advancement and environmental concern, calls for the need to design responsive programmes for the training of future graduates in Estate Management.

Subject Knowledge

It is expected that the students will be conversant with the following main aspects of estate surveying and valuation.

  • Knowledge and appreciation of the mathematical processes used in analysis and presentation, and developing intelligence in tackling practical problems, logically and
  • Use of data to describe the real world. Using statistical calculations to understand and present practical data.
  • Appreciation of building forms and drawings. Understand the construction of buildings and building services and contemporary building materials.
  • Acquisition of basic knowledge of the practical use of surveying instruments, measurement of buildings and land surveying.
  • The construction industry and its relation to the national economy.
  • Appreciation of spatial inequalities, the relationship between cities and the structure and development of cities, regions and urban areas. The components of an urban
    system and factors affecting urban growth and The role of industrial growth in urban development
  • The use of law to regulate and control the use and development of land.
  • Definition and scope of modem day agriculture and the use of land for agriculture, forestry and wildlife. Forest regulations, exploration deforestation, regeneration and
  • Understand basic principles and methodology of economics and economic institutions and government policy.
  • Appreciate Accounting theory and develop an understanding of accounting as an information system in real estate business.
  • Understand basic industrial processes where the Estate Surveyors and Valuers’ skills may be required.
  • Land as an economic resource and the use of the economic principles to develop and manage land.
  • The principles and practice of land resource appraisals and
  • Development, management and maintenance of land and
  • Managing buildings as a complex unit of the structure and its facilities.
  • Theories and practices of land resource planning, development, utilization and forecasting.
  • Landed property rating and taxation.
  • The valuation of specialized properties like plant and machinery, minerals properties etc.
  • Principles and applications of Geographic and Land Information Systems and the computer environment.
  • Human resource management in complex development
  • Project planning and implementation.
  • Predictions and assessments of impacts of land development projects on the environment (Environmental Impact Assessment).
  • Measurement and Control of Pollution, Erosion and other natural disasters.
  • Environmental Management and Control.
  • Estate Surveying and Valuation Practice Ethics and code of conduct in the real world.
  • Basics of small business management.

Cognitive Abilities and Skills

At the end of the Bachelors of Science degree in Estate Management, a graduate should be able to perform the following: –                                       .

  1. Manage any type of ‘land’ within an existing framework, towards achieving an¥ organisational goal, either in the private or public sectors.
  2. Carry out property management involving preparation of schedules of condition and dilapidation; identifying building defects, specifications, remedies and organisation
    of maintenance works.
  3. Prepare Valuation of any proprietary interest in land plant and machinery and landed property for all purposes and advising on their values.
  4. Carry out feasibility and viability studies in relation to
    proposed developments.
  5. Prepare development proposals on the suitability of land for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and other developments and advising on their economic and financial aspects.
  6. Carry out Cost-Benefit Analysis of projects and advice on their desirable locations.
  7. Carry out Research into the problems of the physical environment and advising on the values of damages to the environment. Provide data for policy formulation on
    land resources allocation, development, utilisation and maintaining a balance in the ecosystem.
  8. Advise on the acquisition of land by compulsory purchase and or revocation of right’S; preparation of claims, settlement of terms with acquiring authorities and
    presenting expert evidence on value.
  9. Advise on the value of landed properties and other land resource components of business organisations for sale or exchange.
  10. Manage complex buildings and their facilities to ensure a controlled working environment.
  11. Start up a business.
  12. Cooperate with other professionals in solving contemporary land/environmental problems.
  13. To act as a mediating agent in the arrangement of real estate financing and other aspects of estate surveying and

General Skills

Students should possess:

  • Written and Oral communication skills.
  • Problem-solving skills, relating to both qualitative and quantitative information and especially where information is limited.
  • Computational and numeracy skills.
  • Information-retrieval skills, in relation to primary and secondary information sources, including information retrieval through on-line computer searches.
  • Information technology skills such as word processing and spreadsheet use, data-logging and storage, internet communication etc.
  • Interpersonal skills relating to working in multi- disciplinary teams.
  • Time-management and organizational skills.
  • Study skills needed for continuing professional development and research.

Credit Units

180 Credit Units in the 5 year programme. A minimum of 15 credit units per semester is required.

Performance Evaluation Criteria

Candidates for the examinations shall satisfactorily complete course work set in each subject in the form of term papers, continuous assessments, short quizzes or short tests, a compulsory residential field trip and industrial attachment programme. Assessments shall be between 30% – 40% and the semester examinations which carries 60% – 70%.