ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]



Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C 2
EDU 1104 Elements of special education C 2
GES 1105 Use of library & ICT C 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3
GCE 1101 Introduction and development of Guidance & Counselling C 2
GCE 1102 Psychological foundation of Guidance and Counselling E 2
GCE 1103 Introduction  to Psychology C 2
Additional two elective courses  in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for.   4
Total 19

Minimum Credits Required = 15; Maximum Credits Required = 24 C = Compulsory R= Required      E= Elective.


Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDF 2101 Historical foundations of Education C 2
EDU 2102 Introduction to Educational Technology C 2
GCE 2101 Communication in counseling E 2
GCE 2102 Organization of Guidance and Counseling  in schools C 2
GCE 2103 Counselling for special needs C 2
GCE 2104 Testing in counselling  & techniques in Continuous Assessment C 2
GCE 2105 Client  management in Guidance and Counseling E 2
GES 2102 Introduction to logic & philosophy C 2
GES 2108 Introduction to Science and Technology R 2
Additional two elective courses in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for. E 4
Total 16/25
Direct Entry students are to take the following courses  
GES 1105 Use of Library and ICT C 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C         2

Minimum Credits Required = 15; Maximum Credits Required = 24 C = Compulsory R= Required      E= Elective


Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDU 3101 Curriculum and instruction I C 2
EDU 3103 Teaching practice 1 C 3
EDU 3105 Micro Teaching C 0
EDF 3103 Tests and Measurement C 2
GCE 3101 Guidance & Counselling and Adolescent Psychology C 2
GCE 3102 Occupational information, job analysis and job evaluation C 2
GCE 3103 Crisis intervention in Counselling E 2
GCE 3104 Ethics in Counselling E 2
GCE 3105 Practicum in Guidance and Counselling 1 C 2
GCE 3106 Theories of counselling C 2
Additional two elective courses in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for.   4
Total 19

            Minimum Credits Required = 15; Maximum Credits Required = 24 C = Compulsory R= Required             E= Elective.                                



Course Code Course  Title Status Credits
EDU 4101 Curriculum and Instruction II C 2
EDU 4103 Teaching practice II C 3
GCE 4101 Practicum in Counselling II C 2
GCE 4106 Abnormal Psychology and Career Guidance Counselling C 2
GCE 4109 Social and Psychological factors in learning C 2
GCE 4102 Introduction to Culture and Psychopathology C 2
GCE 4103 Pastoral Counselling E 2
GCE 4104 Counselling in special settings C 2
GCE 4105 Management and Counselling of the aged and the disabled C 2
GCE 4108 Biological Psychology C 2
GCE 4110 Method of Psychotherapy C 2
Additional one elective course in relevant teaching subjects from the Faculty of Arts/Science/Social Science should be registered for.   2
Total 23

            Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         R= Required   E= Elective.