ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]



LIS 1101 Introduction to Library and Information Studies C 2
LIS 1102 Information, Libraries and Society C 2
LIS 1103 Introduction to Information Science C 2
LIS 1104 History of  Libraries and Information Centres ( Emphasis Nigeria) C 2
LIS 1106 Education and Libraries C 2
GES1105 Use of Library and ICT C 2
GES1108  Communication in English C 3



LIS  2106 Management of Libraries and Information Centres C 2
LIS 2107 Knowledge Management R 2
GES 2102 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy C 2
GES 2108 Introduction to Science and Technology R 2

Direct Entry students are to take GES 1105, GES 1108, Faculty and courses in other academic disciplines (Arts, Social Science, Science and Technology).



LIS 3101 Library Environment and Buildings E 2
LIS  3102 Book Production and Publishing C 3
LIS 3103 Technical Services in Libraries and Information Centres C 2
LIS 3104 Indexing and Abstracting C 2
LIS 3105 Organisation of Knowledge 2 C 2
LIS 3106 Research and Statistical Methods in Library and Information Studies C 2
LIS 3108 Collection Development C 2
ICT 3107 Software Operating Systems E 2


Programme: B.Sc. (Ed) Business Education.


Course Codes Course Titles Status Credits
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C 2
EDU 1104 Element of Special Education C 2
BED 1101 Business Statistics C 2
BED 1102 Introduction to Vocational Education C 2
BED 1103 Word Processing R 2
ECN 1101 Principles of Economics 1 C 2
ACC 1101 Introduction to Financial Accounting 1 C 3
CSC 1103 Computer Workshop Practice 1 R 1
GES 1105 Use of Library and ICT C 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3
Total 21

Elective course(s) may be taken from other Faculties.   

Minimum Credits Required = 15; Maximum Credits Required = 24, C = Compulsory R= Required     E= Elective


Course Codes Course Titles Status Credits
EDF 2101 Historical foundations of Education C 2
EDU 2102 Introduction to Educational Technology C 2
BUS 2103 Elements of Marketing I C 3
ECN 2101 Introductory Microeconomics C 3
ACC 2101 Principles of Accounting I R 3
ACC 2102 Introduction to Cost Accounting C 2
GES 2102 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy C 2
GES 2108 Introduction to Science and Technology R 2
Total 19
Direct Entry Students are to take the following additional courses:
EDU 1101 Introduction To Teaching Profession R 2
GES 1105 Use of Library and ICT C 3
GES 1108 Communication in English C 2

 Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical


B.Sc. (Ed) Business Education


Course Codes Course Titles Status Credits
EDU 3103 Teaching Practice I C 3
EDF 3103 Test and Measurement C 2
EDU 3101 Curriculum and Instruction I C 2
EDU 3105 Micro Teaching C 0
BED 3101 Business Methods R 2
BUS 3101 Human Resources Management C 3
BFN 3101 Business Finance C 3
ACC 3103 Management Information System C 3
ACC 3104 Business Law C 3
ACC 3102 Public Sector Accounting system E 3
Total 21

Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical


B.Sc. (Ed) Business Education


Course Codes Course Titles Status Credits
EDU 4103 Teaching Practice II C 3
EDU 4101 Curriculum and Instruction II C 2
EDU 4102 Guidance & Counselling R 2
BED 4101 Seminar in Business Education C 2
BED 4102 Business Organization C 2
BED 4103 Office Information Technology C 2
BED 4104 Company Law E 2
BED 4105 Human Relations R 2
BUS 4107 Management of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises C 2
ACC 4102 Management Accounting I C 3
Total 24

 Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical

Programme: B.Sc. (Ed) Economics Education



Course Code Course Title Status Credits
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C 2
EDU 1104 Elements of Special Education C 2
ECN 1101 Principles of Economics 1 C 2
ECN 1103 Introduction to Statistics I C 2
ECN 1105 Introductory Mathematics for Economists I C 2
BNF 1101 Introduction to Finance 1 C 3
ACC 1101 Introduction to Financial Accounting 1 C 3
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3
GES 1105 Use of Library, Information and Communication Technology C 2
BUS 1101 Introduction to Business 1 E 3
Total 21/24

Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical



Course Code Course Title Status Credits
EDU 2102 Introduction to Educational Technology C 2
EDF 2101 Historical foundation of Education C 2
ECN 2102 Introductory Microeconomics C 3
ECN 2104 Mathematics for Economists C 3
ECN 2105 History and Structure of the Nigerian Economy I C 2
BNF 2101 Nigerian Financial System I C 3
GES 2102 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy C 2
Elective: Maximum of two courses  
ECN 2111 Labour Economics E 2
BUS 2107 Principles and Practice of Management I E 2
ACC 2101 Principles of Accounting I E 3
  21 /22
Direct Entry Students are to take the following Courses
EDU 1101 Introduction To Teaching Profession R 2
GES 1105 Use of Library And ICT C 2
GES 1108 Communication In English C 3

Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical

Economics Education

EDU 3101 Curriculum & Instruction  I C 2
EDU 3103 Teaching Practice I C 3
     EDU 3105 Micro Teaching C 0
EDF 3103 Test and Measurement C 2
ECN 3104 Intermediate Microeconomics 1 C 2
ECN 3103 History of Economic Thought R 2
ECN 3111 International Economics R 3
ECN 3106 Project Evaluation 1 C 2
ECN 3105 Econometrics & Research Methods C 3
ECN 3102 Intermediate Macroeconomic 1 C 2
ECN 3109 Public Policy 1 R 2
TOTAL   23


 Elective course(s) may be taken from other Faculties.  

Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical


Economics Education


EDU 4103 Teaching Practice II C 3
     EDU 4101 Curriculum and Instruction II C 2
EDU 4102 Guidance and Counselling R 2
ECN 4104 Advanced Microeconomics I C 2
ECN 4105 Comparative Economic Systems C 2
ECN 4110 Taxation and Fiscal Policy C 2
ECN 4114 Applied Statistics II C 2
ECN 4118 Problem and Policies of Development C 2
Choose two courses from the following Electives:
ECN 4111 Health Economics E 2
ECN 4115 International Finance E 2
ECN 4117 Industrial Economics E 2
BUS 4107 Industrial Relations E 3
BFN 4102 Financial Management E 3
TOTAL   21 / 22


Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical

Programme: B.Sc. (Ed) English Education


Course Code Course Title Status Credits
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C 2
EDU 1104 Elements of special Education C 2
ENG 1101 The English Language C 2
ENG 1102 Introduction to Nigerian Literature in Eng. 1 C 2
ENG 1103 Elements of Drama C 2
ENG 1104 Poetry in English C 3
ENG 1105 Theatre Workshop C 2
GES 1105 Use of Library and ICT C 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3
Total   18

Elective course(s) may be selected in the Social/Management Sciences or Arts disciplines.

Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical



Course Code Course Title Status Credits
EDU 2102 Introduction to Educational Technology C 2
EDF 2101 Historical foundation of Education C 2
ENG 2101 Introduction to General Phonetics and Phonology C 3
ENG 2102 History of the English Language C 3
ENG 2103 The English Language, Yesterday and Today E 3
ENG 2104 Creative Writing E 3
ENG 2105 The African Novel C 3
GES 2102 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy C 2
GES 2108 Introduction to Science and Technology R 2
Total   23/25
Direct Entry students are to take the course indicated below:    
EDU 1101 Introduction to Teaching Profession C 2
GES 1209 Anglicanism and Christian Ethics C 2



Course Code Course Title Status Credits
EDU 3103 Teaching Practice I C 3
EDF 3103 Test and Measurement C 2
EDU 3101 Curriculum & Instruction I C 2
EDU 3105 Micro Teaching C 0
ENG 3101 Phonology of English C 3
ENG 3103 Discourse Analysis C 3
ENG 3104 Modern African Poetry C 3
ENG 3106 Modern African Drama C 3
ENG 3109 Advanced Basic Grammar the Group & the Sentence C 3
Elective course(s) may be selected from the following:
ENG 3102 Introduction to Applied Linguistics E 3
ENG 3105 The English Language in Nigeria E 3
ENG 3107 Contemporary English Usage E 3


Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical

B.Sc. (Ed) English Education


400 LEVEL 2019/2020 (FIRST SEMESTER)

Course Code Course Title Status L P Credits
EDU 4103 Teaching Practice II C 3 3
EDU 4101 Curriculum and Instruction II C 2 2
EDU 4102 Guidance and Counselling R 2 2
ENG 4101 English Literacy Stylistics C 3 3
ENG 4102 Multilingualism C 3 3
ENG 4105 The English Novel C 3 3
ENG 4106 Research Methods II C 3 3
ENG 4107 Shakespeare and Other Dramatists C 3 3
ENG 4108 Caribbean L. 7 C 3 3
Total 25
Elective course(s) may be selected from the following:  
ENG 4103 English for Specific Purposes E 3 3
ENG 4104 Language and National Development E 3 3


Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical


B.Sc. (Ed) Computer Science Education


Course Code Course  Title Status L P Credit
EDU 3101 Curriculum and Instruction I C 2 2
EDU 3103 Teaching Practice I C 3 3
EDU 3105 Micro Teaching C 1 0
EDF 3103 Test and Measurement C 2 2
CSC 3103 Database Design and Management C 2 1 3
CSC 3104 Computer Networks and Communication C 2 2
CSC 3105 Introduction to Web System R 1 1 2
CSC 3108 Numerical Computations R 2 2
CSC 3109 Computer Workshop Practice C 1 1
CSC 3112 Automata Theory and Formal Languages R 2 2
CSC 3113 Concepts of Programing Language R 1 1 2
CSC 3107 Software Engineering E 2 2
CSC 3111 Operating System Principles C 2 1 3
        Total 23

Minimum Credits Required = 15;    Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical


B.Sc. (Ed) Computer Science Education


Course Code Course  Title Status L P Credit
EDU 4103 Teaching Practice II C 3 3
EDU 4101 Curriculum and Instruction II C 2 2
EDU 4102 Guidance & Counselling R 2 2
CSC 4105 Management of IT Resources R 3 3
CSC 4112 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System R 3 2
CSC 4113 Operation Research R 2 2
CSC 4114 Systems Programming C 3 3
CSC 4118 Survey of Programming Languages C 3 1 3
CSC 4119 Seminar     C 2 2
Total 22
Students  may register for the following Electives:  
CSC 4104 Selected Topics in Computer Science E 3 3
CSC 4107 Introduction to Emerging Technology E 3 3
CSC4110 Computer Performance and Evaluation R 3 3
CSC 4111 Computer Working Practice VII C 1 1
CSC 4116 Computer Graphics and Visualization E 3 3
CSC 4115 Human Computer Interaction E 3 3

Minimum Credits Required = 15;   Maximum Credits Required = 24

C = Compulsory         E= Elective.                R= Required,  L= Lecture,       P = Practical