The Faculty of Agriculture of the Ajayi Crowther University began with two pioneering departments:
- Agricultural Economics and Extension
- Crop and Animal Sciences.
Over time, these will metamorphose into several departments. In 2020, a resource verification exercise was carried out by a panel of experts from the National Universities Commission (NUC). The Bachelor of Agriculture programme (B.Agric.) was approved and effective from the 2020/2021 academic session. The Faculty contributes to the University’s vision and mission to be a top-class institution and to produce Godly graduates needed for Nigeria’s Agri-Food Systems and the rest of the World.
The Faculty is committed to:-
- Excellent scholarship through its Faculty of high pedigree
- Practical profitable agriculture via its integrated university farm project harnessing the vast land resources available on the Offa-Metta and Awe Campuses to launch put diverse farm enterprises. And
- Community Outreach Programmes for agricultural development such as its community radio programme Latinuoko
01. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension (DAEE)
The Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension is the Agribusiness and Socio-economic discipline of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ajayi Crowther University. The activities of the department are organized around teaching, research and outreach in the following core disciplines: (1) Agricultural Economics and (2) Agricultural Extension. Together with other departments in the faculty, the department contributes to the University’s vision and mission. Also contributes fundamentally to the manpower training needs of Nigeria’s Agri-Food Systems and the rest of the World. After successful resource verification in 2020, the National Universities Commission (NUC) approved the Bachelor of Agriculture programme (B.Agric.).
Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric):
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Extension
Philosophy of the Department
To equip students with the principles of economics, business, and extension and the ability to apply themselves in wage and entrepreneurial employment.
Objectives of the Department
- To produce graduates with the requisite entrepreneurial competence that allows them to establish, run businesses profitably and create job
- To produce graduates with the requisite managerial competence for wage employment in both private and government sectors
- To develop core expertise in research and training in the area of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Extension.
- To collaborate with industry and other universities within and outside Nigeria in the area of students training, research, and curriculum development.
- To collaborate with communities, Local, State, and Federal Governments, parastatals, as well as other National and multinational agencies in the areas of research, consultancy, and advisory services.
- To collaborate with sister departments in the faculty and outside in multi-disciplinary research and consultancy
- To focus on research of relevance to our immediate environment.
- To contribute to current and future global issues in the area of research and policy advocacy.
- To provide quantitative and qualitative information to decision-makers in government, Non-government, smallholder farms/cooperatives, financial institutions, trade organizations, and cooperate firms.
02. Department of Crop and Animal Science
The Department of Crop and Animal science was created as a subset of the Faculty of Agriculture in year 2020. The Department offers courses in area of Crop production, Crop protection, Animal rearing and management, as well as breeding in field of crop and animal science.
Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric):
- Crop Science
- Animal Science
The Department also offers top up programmes for HND conversion to convert them to degree equipment.
Entry Requirement
A. UTME ENTRY MODE – Five (5) year B. Agric. Programme
i. O’level Subjects
The five O’level Credits (WASCE/NECO/GCE) to include: English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science
ii. UTME Subjects
English Language, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and any of Physics/Mathematics/Geography/Economics.
B. DIRECT ENTRY – Four (4) year B. Agric. Programme
i. NCE/ND or approved equivalent in relevant fields
ii. At least two Advanced Level passes to include Chemistry and any one of the following: Biology/Botany, Zoology/Agricultural Science, Economics, Physics and Geography.
iii. IJMB at acceptable grade levels.
i. HND conversion
ii. Inter and Intra Transfer
Degree Requirement
To be eligible for the B. Agric. degree, a student must pass all the prescribed courses and obtain a minimum of 150 credit units within the 5-year programme and 120 credit units within the 4-year programme.
Regulation on Course Selection
In line with the Faculty of Agriculture, the department operates a course unit system in a 2-semester academic year for the B.Agric. degree. Students are required to take a list of approved courses and register for not less than 15 credit units and non-more than 24 credit units in each semester.
LATINUOKO (Right from the farm) is an Agricultural public enlightenment radio programme aired on Crowther 88.5 FM every Wednesday between the hours of 10:00a.m and 11:00a.m by Faculty of Agriculture, Ajayi Crowther University.
The programme is packaged to project the prospects of agriculture to existing and potential farmers, arouse the interest of upcoming generations in agriculture as a gainful enterprise, sensitize the audience of emerging issues in agriculture for sustainable development and to find lasting solutions to perennial problems confronting local farmers.
Latinuoko is aired using Yoruba language which is the prevalent local language spoken in the surrounding farming communities using a mix of different formats such as interviews, Vox pop and discussion, documentary etc. The target audience of the programme are adults, youths and children. It is specially packaged to be informative, educative, interactive and entertaining.
Youtube Link to LATINUOKO programme
Past episodes of ‘LATINUOKO’ programme
- Ipati ti Ise Agbe En’kule nko, lori anito ati ani seku ounje (Contributions of Backyard farming to Food security in Nigeria)
- Awon akosile ti ko see ma ni fun imugboro Ise Agbe (Farm Records that are necessary for the development of Agriculture)
- Ilera awon ohun osin (Animal Health)
- Ogbin Epafun imudagba oro aje orile ede Naijiria (Groundnut production for the development of Nigeria’s economy)
- Bi ase le dabobo awon ohun ogbin wa (How to protect our crops from Pest and Diseases)
- Awon akosile ti koseemani fun Agbe (The important Farm Records for farmers)
- Ona ti ale gba ti onje yio fi sun wa bo ni orile ede Nigeria (Ways to ensure Food security in Nigeria)
- Akitiyan ati Igbiyanju Eka to nse abojuto ise Agbe ni ACU nko nipa imugbooro ise agbe ni Orile ede Naijira (Efforts/Contributions of Faculty of Agriculture, ACU, for the development of Agriculture in Nigeria)
- Osin Eja fun imugbooro Ise Agbe ni orile ede Naijiria. (Fish farming for development of Agriculture in Nigeria)
- Bi ase le se awon obe asara loore ile Yoruba ti ko sa ba wo po mo ni awujo ati anfani ti oni fun ilera wa (Preparation and health benefits of some indegineous soup that are going to extinction in Yoruba land)
- Iwulo Igi Ope fun imudagba Ise Agbe ni awujo Agbaye (Usefulness of Oil Palm for the global development of Agriculture)
- Anfani ti owa ninu tita awon ire oko si oke okun/Ile okeere (Export prospects for Agricultural produce )
- Bi asele dena ati mimu adinku ba awon idojuko ti on dojuko awon ohun ogbin wa leyin Ikore (Prevention and of Post- harvest losses in Agriculture)
- Osin Oya fun imudagba ise Agbe ni Orile ede Naijiria (Rearing of cane rat for the growth and development of Agriculture in Naijiria)
- Iwulo Radio ati Phone fun imugbooro ise Agbe (Usefulness of Radio and Mobile phone for the development of Agriculture)
- Awon idiwo ati idena ti o dojuko lilo ero phone ati Radio wa lati le gbo awon iroyin Idagbasoke ise agbe (Constraints facing the utilisation of Mobile phone and Radio for Agricultural information)
- Bi ati nse Iru ati iwulo re (Processing of Locust beans)
- Ipati awon ohun ogbin ti ale ri Epo lara re nko ninu idagbasoke oro Aje ni orileede Naijiria.
- Ipati ogbin Ewebe asiko ogbele nko lori aniti ati aniseku ounje ni Orileede Naijiria (Impact of dry season vegetable farming on food security in Nigeria.)
- Ipati okowo ogi nko ninu eto oro aje ati ilera ni orileede Naijiria (Contributions of Palp enterprise on the household welfare in Nigeria. )
- Awon ohun ti ago Ara wa nilo lati wa ni Alafia. (What our body needs to be healthy)
- Bi ase mu ise Agbe mo ise ojo o miran, lai fi okan pa ekeji lara (How to combine Agriculture with other livelihoods without hindering one another)
- Akosile Idagbasoke Ise Agbe ni ipinle Kano laarin odun 1968 si 1975. (A documentary report on the Agricultural Development in Kano State between 1968-1975)
- Ipati awon eleka jeka Ijoba nko lori Idagbasoke Ise Agbe ni Orileede Naijiria. (Roles of Levels of Government in Agricultural Development in Nigeria)
- Bi ase le se karakata ohun Ogbin wa fun imugbooro Oro Aje awon Agbe (Marketing of Agricultural produce for development of farmers economy)
- Awon ipati Osin eran ninu ile Nko lori Oro Aje Idile ni orile-ede Naijiria. (Contributions of rearing Domestic Animals to the household Economy in Nigeria)
- Okowo Gaari ati imu gbooro Ise Agbe (Gaari production and Agricultural development)
- Awon ipapanu ti ale se fun awon omo wa lati ara awon ire oko wa. (Snacks that could be made for our children from Agricultural crop produce)
- Awon ohun ti ose Pataki fun Imudagba ohun ogbin (Conditions necessary for the growth and development of Agricultural crops)
- Awon ouje ti on fun wa ni Viatamin A nigbati aba je won. (Foods items that can enhance vitamin A in human diet )
- Bi ati se lee se Ogbin awon Igi Geedu (Cultivation of Forest timber)
- Awon ipati Osin Adiye Ibile nko lori Idagbasoke Ise Agbe (Importance and Roles of indigenous chicken production to the development of Agriculture)
- Awon ipati Ile ifowopamo ti eka ti Ise Agbe nko ninu Idagbasoke Ise Agbe. (Roles of Agricultural Banks in the Development of Agriculture)
- Bi ati se le se Ogbin ati Imugbooro Agbado ti afi imo ijinle ro ni Agbara fun Ilera wa. (Production of Bio-fortified Maize)
- Awon ohun ti Ile Ifowopamo ti Ise Agbe nse lowolowo fun imugbooro ise Agbe. (Current operations of Agricultural Banks to foster Agricultural Development in Nigeria)
- Awon anfani Ilera ti owa ninu awon ire oko ti onwa si ile ni asiko yi (Health benefits of Food crops and Fruits of the season)
Ajayi Crowther University farm was established in year 2020 following the approval of the Faculty by the University Senate. It was created to serve as a pacesetting farm for the training of students and also as a model for the university community and its environs. Although the farm is at its young age, we are proud of the landmark achievements accomplished within a short time of existence.
These include:
The Nursery
An establishment of thousands of stands of tree plant nurseries such as oil palm, gmelina, pawpaw, teak, ornamental shrubs, e.t.c. These are plants with comparative commercial advantage.
In the area of fisheries, we have dredged four earthen fish ponds with a stocking capacity of about ten thousand.
Cattle Ranch
We have also developed a cattle ranch, with a strong start up breeding stock. A thrust to encourage the practice of ranching using environmentally adaptable techniques.
The university farm presently boasts fifty bee hives, where original ACU honey is already being harvested and sold.
Arable Crop Production
45 acres of cultivated cassava and currently working to cultivate about 100 acres of land for maize production. The University farm has impacted its environ in the production and sales of cucumber and ACU-palm oil.
Faculty of Agriculture Staff
You may click on any Staff member’s detail to get a pop-up containing the detailed information.
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | S/N | Passport | Full Name | Position/Title | Sex | TEL. NO. | E-mail address | Faculty | Department | Google Scholar Link | ResearchGate Link | Areas of Specialization | Professional Membership |
2 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Prof. Timothy A. Adebayo | Vice-Chancellor | M | 8035847402 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
3 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Prof. Benjamin.O. Popoola | Professor/DVC | M | 8034424452 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
4 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Olusegun O.Ojo | Deputy Registrar | M | 8033963599 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
5 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. John O. Atoyebi | PRO | M | 8029594052 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
6 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adeyinka M. Amole | Higher Exec. Officer | M | 8064181847 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
7 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Bosede O. Banjo | Admin Officer II | F | 8028142214 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
8 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adebowale S. Teteye | Admin Officer II | M | 8067904232 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
9 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Temitope .O. Famiyesin | Senior Store Officer | F | 8038301719 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Store Unit | |||||
10 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oluwatunmise A. Ajisebiola | Higher Store Officer | M | 7034798196 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Store Unit | |||||
11 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Oladapo A. Ojo | PAR | M | 8034363498 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Alumni Office | |||||
12 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Olufunke E. Adebayo | Admin. Officer II | F | 8147446299 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Alumni Office | |||||
13 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Mrs.Bosede A. Ajiboye | Librarian | F | 8038051452 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
14 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Mrs. Olutoyin O. Oso | Principal Librarian | F | 8030692722 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
15 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oludayo . Bamgbose | Senior Librarian | M | 8033505916 | | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
16 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Olaide, T. Akinbo | Librarian I | M | 8102137989 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
17 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Sunday M. Fakunle | Librarian II | M | 8030744451 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
18 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Olaniyi, S. Adeolu | Assist. Librarian | M | 7065947747 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
19 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Oyadele, O.Grace | Librarian II | F | 8165149306 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
20 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Ibukun S. Akinola | Asst. Librarian | F | 7031676342 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
21 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Funke S. Ayun | Asst. Librarian | F | 8168539002 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
22 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Amoo, M. Ademola | Prin. Lib. Officer | M | 8035330522 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
23 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adekunle E. Oyadeyi | Prin. Library Officer | M | 7035093924 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
24 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Samson A. Adeniran | Higher Library Officer | M | 8164054596 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
25 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Odunola E. Olaniyan | Higher Library Officer | M | 7066714765 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
26 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Stella M. Daniel | Library Officer | F | 8108549537 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
27 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Miss. Ilupeju, O. Ayanbimpe | System Analyst | F | 8135957978 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
28 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Folasade G. Aina | Assist. Chief Personal Secretary | F | 8051178481 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
29 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Adebanke A. Bolaji | Principal Internal Auditor | F | 8169080067 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Internal Audit | |||||
30 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oluwasanmi B. Ogunkeyede | Auditor II | M | 8038096015 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Internal Audit | |||||
31 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adeniji Olutayo A. | Academic Planning Officer I | M | 8067384862 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Academic Planning | |||||
32 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oluwafemi S. Ojo | Academic Planning Officer | M | 8100377827 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Academic Planning | |||||
33 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Rev. Alvan Ewuzie | PAR (SAO)/University Chaplain | M | 8033046885 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
34 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Caroline O. Oyaleke | Asst. Registrar (NYSC Matters) | F | 8035245614 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
35 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Isaac A. Omolasoye | Admin Officer I | M | 7038445132 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
36 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adewale J. Adegbite | Admin Officer II | M | 8063131906 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
37 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Aderibigbe, D. Atilola | Assist Guidance Psychologist | F | 7059998376 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
38 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Miss Hope A. Akinsunmade | Secretary III | F | 7068872871 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
39 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Abiodun O. Amusan | Ag. Director Health Services | M | 8037198821 | | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
40 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Christene Eyonsa Etim | Medical Officer II | F | 9024666960 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
41 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Abidemi O. Adeyemo | Chief Nursing Officer | F | 8034231980 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
42 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Oluwafunmilayo K. Adeleke | Assistant Chief Nursing Officer | F | 8060039187 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
43 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Ruth O. Afonja | Principal Nursing Officer | F | 8038369303 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
44 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Ayodele J. Akinola | Snr. N. Superint. | M | 7031518192 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
45 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Motunrayo Olaoye | Staff Nurse II | F | 7033379388 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
46 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Mercy Ariyike Omodele | Staff Nurse II | F | 8136328303 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
47 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Mutiat O. Ogunsola | Nursing Officer II | F | 8169599174 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
48 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Miss Naomi O. Sheidu | Staff Nurse II | F | 7067292512 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
49 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Leticia O. Njoku | Snr. Med. Lab. Scientist | F | 7064534833 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
50 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Paul O. Oladejo | Pharmacy Technician | M | 7068406601 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
51 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Emmanuel Alalade | Medical Record Officer II | M | 7033346478 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services |
Full Name:
E-mail address:
Google Scholar Link:
ResearchGate Link:
Areas of Specialization:
Professional Membership:
PROGRAMMES | Tuition fees (ONLY) | First Installment – | Second Installment – | Third Installment | Additional Payable fees |
50% due on resumption of First semester | 25% due on resumption in January | -25% due on resumption of second semester | |||
AGRICULTURE | ₦ | ₦ | ₦ | ₦ | |
100 Level | 200,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | |
200 Level | 200,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | |
300 Level | 200,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | |
400 Level | 200,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | |
500 Level | 200,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 |
Date: Monday 7th – Friday 11th April, 2025
Theme: Food Wastes, Zero Hunger, And Sustainable Food Systems
Sustainable Livelihoods and Development Network for Africa
Our primary mission is to empower impoverished communities in Africa through a multifaceted approach that encompasses poverty alleviation, livelihoods development, skill enhancement, and gender parity in the context of development, research, and information networking. We are deeply committed to contributing significantly to the enhancement of education, poverty reduction, gender equity, and environmental sustainability across the African continent.
Our strategy for achieving these goals is pro-poor and includes key components such as educational development, community development, livelihoods development, capacity building, and skill acquisition, among others.
- Science and Technology Applications to Sustainable Food Systems
- Community Social Responsibility and Food Wastes
- Farming Systems and Sustainable Practices
- Agro-Processing and Value Addition
- Financing Sustainable Food Systems
- Inclusivity and Equity in Agricultural Value Chains
- Food Security and Zero Hunger
- Biotechnology Approaches to Livestock and Crop Production
- Politics, Policies, Governance and Sustainable Food Systems
- Innovative Technologies in Livestock Farming for Sustainable Food Systems