The Faculty of Environmental Studies domicile 80% of professional programmes in the Built-Environment (Architecture, Building, Creative Arts, Estate Management, Landscape Architecture, Surveying and Geo-informatics, Quantity Surveying, Urban and Regional Planning among others); they deal with planning, design, construction, management and conservation of man-made and natural environment. The various programmes that constitute
Environmental studies are concerned with ordering the surface of the earth with a view to making it functionally appropriate, aesthetically pleasing, culturally relevant, environmentally healthy, and at the same time, optimally utilizing available resources economically without disrupting the balanced ecosystem.
To produce competent graduates with sufficient contemporary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to deal with planning, design, construction, management and conservation of man-made and natural environments. The details of the objectives and contents will be found in the programme specifications for each programme.
To qualify for admission to study Architecture in the Faculty of Environmental Studies of Ajayi Crowther University, a candidate must possess either of the following:
A minimum of five credits in not more than two sittings, in English Language, Mathematics and any other relevant subjects to the programme in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or its approved equivalent by Federal Ministry of Education. Such a candidate must also have an acceptable pass in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
Candidates who fulfil the requirements in 3.1 above and who have obtained General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced level, Higher School Certificate (HSC)/Interim Joint Matriculation Board (lJMB) or other equivalent passes approved by Federal Ministry of Education in two subjects relevant to a particular programme at a sitting may be admitted into 200 level.
A candidate who fulfils normal admission requirements and in addition holds a National Diploma (ND) or Higher National Diploma (HND) Certificate in Environmental Studies or Allied Subjects at Credit Levels can be considered for admission into the programme. ND (minimum of lower Credit) may be admitted into 200 level while HND (minimum of Upper Credit) may be admitted into 300 level.
Generally, Students with Senior Secondary School Certificate, G .C.E ‘0’ Level or their equivalent will spend four (4) Academic Sessions for Architecture Programmes and five (5) Academic Sessions for Estate Management Programme while Direct Entry Candidates will spend three (3) Academic Sessions for Architecture Programmes and three or four (3/4) Academic Sessions for Estate Management Programme .
It is expected that each student shall satisfy the general and specific requirements in their programmes as scheduled in regard to core/ compulsory, optional, elective courses, and practical. To qualify for a degree, each student should have completed and passed all the required courses specify by the University/Faculty and obtained a minimum cumulative CGPA specified by the University but not less than 1.50.
The classification of the overall performance of each student shall be based on Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system.
Class of Degree | CGPA |
First Class Honours | 4.50-5.00 |
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) | 3.50-4.49 |
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) | 2.40-3.49 |
Third Class Honours | 1.50- 2.39 |
01. Department of Architecture
The imperative of developing and improving the individual to be of maximum value and service to the immediate community, the nation and the global community forms the basis of Ajayi Crowther University’s philosophy. Oyo also has cultural and historical significance priding itself as a trail-blaizer, The Architecture programme therefore envisions holistic and innovative approaches to create enabling and sustainable environments for human activities at micro and macro levels. It adopts the definition of
Architecture as the art and science of buildings, in theory and practice of Design, Coordination of Allied Professional Inputs in management of assembling, commissioning and maintenance of Buildings or Group of Buildings as well as organise spaces that are required for Human and Other Activities within Built-Environment.
The above stated is in line with the VISION and MISSION of the University, on the one hand, and within the context of the BMAS of NUC and other relevant Professional Bodies.
The University seeks to produce architects with professional and intellectual capacities and entrepreneurial skills to contribute meaningfully to the built-environment development by innovatively and responsively addressing the dynamic built environment and its
multi-various challenges.
The specific goals of the programme in the Department of Architecture at ACU, Oyo towards achieving the above aim include:
- to provide students with knowledge and skills to enhance their performance and to enable them to assume broader responsibility in the rapidly changing built environment in Nigeria and the world;
- to provide the knowledge required for the understanding and practical analysis of problems related to the built environment;’
- to produce needed research personnel for in-depth study and development of locally available building materials- for achieving affordable housing for the teeming population in Nigeria, and
- provide a comprehensive education such that the graduate is able to plan, design, build and commission, maintain and coordinate the allied professional input in the development of the human environment.
The programmes are designed to develop through research, economic and efficient means and methods of building within the social, cultural and physical context. The students are, therefore, expected to be conversant with research in design theory, human behaviour patterns and perception, sustainable architectural technologies and building to:
- produce creative and competent professionals who are capable of meeting the challenges of creating comfortable human environments;
- explore the rich cultural, traditional and locally available resources and technologies of the country and adapting them to efficient and effective use;
- provide an educational process which recognizes and is sensitive to individual student’s needs one one hand and to human needs, the wise use and conservation of resources on the other hand.;
- provide a comprehensive education such that the graduate is able to plan, design, build and commission, maintain and coordinate the allied professional inputs in the development of the human environment; and
- provide an educational structure that is flexible and able to meet the critical needs of architectural education in Nigeria.
02. Department of Estate Management
Philosophy and Aim of the Degree in Estate Management
To produce competent Estate Surveyors and Valuers with sufficient technical knowledge and skill in order to optimize the use of land resources to facilitate economic development.
The main aims should be to:
- Instill in students an appreciation of the complex nature of the relationships between man and his environment.
- Involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.
- Provide a broad and balanced foundation of the knowledge of land and buildings and their exploitation and use.
- Develop in students the ability to apply their analytical skills to the solution of theoretical and practical land resource problems.
- Develop in students, entrepreneurial skills of value in self-employment in the profession.
- Develop in the students survival skills in an ever changing economic, technological and political world.
- Lay the foundation on which students can proceed to further studies in specialized aspects of estate surveying practice or multi-disciplinary areas involving estate
surveying and valuation. - Create an appreciation of the importance of estate surveying and valuation in an industrial, environmental, economic and social context.
- Develop the students in the use of information technology in the effective management of land and the environment.
Nomenclature of Degree Programme
Bachelor of Science (Estate Management)
01. B.Sc. Architecture
In the context of Nigerian Universities, a two-tier degree structure has been operated over the last three decades. The first-tier leads to the award of a non-professional Bachelor’s degree (BSc, Honours,Architecture) while the second-tier leads to the professional Masters degree .. The Master degree is considered as post-graduate, first professional degree in Architecture.
The Architecture programme in Ajayi Crowther University (A. C. U), Oyo takes into consideration current development in the environmental design discipline in general and in Architecture in particular. New body of knowledge in the areas of Environmental Impact Assessment, Pollution Control, Entrepreneurship, Heritage Conservation, Sustainable Architecture, Information Technology, and Facility Maintenance and Management have been incorporated to cater for these developments.
The programme at ACU also attempts to address questions of what forms, structures or organisations are appropriate for the enhancement of life in a particular situation, to specific information on construction, cost, implementation and evaluation.
B.Sc. Architecture
Bachelor of Science (Architecture)
02. B.Sc. Estate Management
Estate Management is an art and science of supervising the use, development and management of landed property, other natural resources and the built environment. The Estate Management programme is designed to prepare students to appreciate the complexity of legal economic, technological and social impacts on the use, development and management of land and the environment. The emerging world trend in technological advancement and environmental concern, calls for the need to design responsive programmes for the training of future graduates in Estate Management.
Subject Knowledge
It is expected that the students will be conversant with the following main aspects of estate surveying and valuation.
- Knowledge and appreciation of the mathematical processes used in analysis and presentation, and developing intelligence in tackling practical problems, logically and
- Use of data to describe the real world. Using statistical calculations to understand and present practical data.
- Appreciation of building forms and drawings. Understand the construction of buildings and building services and contemporary building materials.
- Acquisition of basic knowledge of the practical use of surveying instruments, measurement of buildings and land surveying.
- The construction industry and its relation to the national economy.
- Appreciation of spatial inequalities, the relationship between cities and the structure and development of cities, regions and urban areas. The components of an urban
system and factors affecting urban growth and The role of industrial growth in urban development - The use of law to regulate and control the use and development of land.
- Definition and scope of modem day agriculture and the use of land for agriculture, forestry and wildlife. Forest regulations, exploration deforestation, regeneration and
- Understand basic principles and methodology of economics and economic institutions and government policy.
- Appreciate Accounting theory and develop an understanding of accounting as an information system in real estate business.
- Understand basic industrial processes where the Estate Surveyors and Valuers’ skills may be required.
- Land as an economic resource and the use of the economic principles to develop and manage land.
- The principles and practice of land resource appraisals and
- Development, management and maintenance of land and
- Managing buildings as a complex unit of the structure and its facilities.
- Theories and practices of land resource planning, development, utilization and forecasting.
- Landed property rating and taxation.
- The valuation of specialized properties like plant and machinery, minerals properties etc.
- Principles and applications of Geographic and Land Information Systems and the computer environment.
- Human resource management in complex development
- Project planning and implementation.
- Predictions and assessments of impacts of land development projects on the environment (Environmental Impact Assessment).
- Measurement and Control of Pollution, Erosion and other natural disasters.
- Environmental Management and Control.
- Estate Surveying and Valuation Practice Ethics and code of conduct in the real world.
- Basics of small business management.
Cognitive Abilities and Skills
At the end of the Bachelors of Science degree in Estate Management, a graduate should be able to perform the following: – .
- Manage any type of ‘land’ within an existing framework, towards achieving an¥ organisational goal, either in the private or public sectors.
- Carry out property management involving preparation of schedules of condition and dilapidation; identifying building defects, specifications, remedies and organisation
of maintenance works. - Prepare Valuation of any proprietary interest in land plant and machinery and landed property for all purposes and advising on their values.
- Carry out feasibility and viability studies in relation to
proposed developments. - Prepare development proposals on the suitability of land for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and other developments and advising on their economic and financial aspects.
- Carry out Cost-Benefit Analysis of projects and advice on their desirable locations.
- Carry out Research into the problems of the physical environment and advising on the values of damages to the environment. Provide data for policy formulation on
land resources allocation, development, utilisation and maintaining a balance in the ecosystem. - Advise on the acquisition of land by compulsory purchase and or revocation of right’S; preparation of claims, settlement of terms with acquiring authorities and
presenting expert evidence on value. - Advise on the value of landed properties and other land resource components of business organisations for sale or exchange.
- Manage complex buildings and their facilities to ensure a controlled working environment.
- Start up a business.
- Cooperate with other professionals in solving contemporary land/environmental problems.
- To act as a mediating agent in the arrangement of real estate financing and other aspects of estate surveying and
General Skills
Students should possess:
- Written and Oral communication skills.
- Problem-solving skills, relating to both qualitative and quantitative information and especially where information is limited.
- Computational and numeracy skills.
- Information-retrieval skills, in relation to primary and secondary information sources, including information retrieval through on-line computer searches.
- Information technology skills such as word processing and spreadsheet use, data-logging and storage, internet communication etc.
- Interpersonal skills relating to working in multi- disciplinary teams.
- Time-management and organizational skills.
- Study skills needed for continuing professional development and research.
Credit Units
180 Credit Units in the 5 year programme. A minimum of 15 credit units per semester is required.
Performance Evaluation Criteria
Candidates for the examinations shall satisfactorily complete course work set in each subject in the form of term papers, continuous assessments, short quizzes or short tests, a compulsory residential field trip and industrial attachment programme. Assessments shall be between 30% – 40% and the semester examinations which carries 60% – 70%.
Faculty of Environmental Studies
You may click on any Staff member’s detail to get a pop-up containing the detailed information.
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | S/N | Passport | Full Name | Position/Title | Sex | TEL. NO. | E-mail address | Faculty | Department | Google Scholar Link | ResearchGate Link | Areas of Specialization | Professional Membership |
2 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Prof. Timothy A. Adebayo | Vice-Chancellor | M | 8035847402 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
3 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Prof. Benjamin.O. Popoola | Professor/DVC | M | 8034424452 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
4 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Olusegun O.Ojo | Deputy Registrar | M | 8033963599 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
5 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. John O. Atoyebi | PRO | M | 8029594052 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
6 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adeyinka M. Amole | Higher Exec. Officer | M | 8064181847 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
7 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Bosede O. Banjo | Admin Officer II | F | 8028142214 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
8 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adebowale S. Teteye | Admin Officer II | M | 8067904232 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | |||||
9 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Temitope .O. Famiyesin | Senior Store Officer | F | 8038301719 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Store Unit | |||||
10 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oluwatunmise A. Ajisebiola | Higher Store Officer | M | 7034798196 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Store Unit | |||||
11 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Oladapo A. Ojo | PAR | M | 8034363498 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Alumni Office | |||||
12 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Olufunke E. Adebayo | Admin. Officer II | F | 8147446299 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Alumni Office | |||||
13 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Mrs.Bosede A. Ajiboye | Librarian | F | 8038051452 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
14 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Mrs. Olutoyin O. Oso | Principal Librarian | F | 8030692722 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
15 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oludayo . Bamgbose | Senior Librarian | M | 8033505916 | | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
16 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Olaide, T. Akinbo | Librarian I | M | 8102137989 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
17 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Sunday M. Fakunle | Librarian II | M | 8030744451 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
18 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Olaniyi, S. Adeolu | Assist. Librarian | M | 7065947747 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
19 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Oyadele, O.Grace | Librarian II | F | 8165149306 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
20 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Ibukun S. Akinola | Asst. Librarian | F | 7031676342 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
21 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Funke S. Ayun | Asst. Librarian | F | 8168539002 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
22 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Amoo, M. Ademola | Prin. Lib. Officer | M | 8035330522 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
23 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adekunle E. Oyadeyi | Prin. Library Officer | M | 7035093924 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
24 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Samson A. Adeniran | Higher Library Officer | M | 8164054596 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
25 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Odunola E. Olaniyan | Higher Library Officer | M | 7066714765 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
26 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Stella M. Daniel | Library Officer | F | 8108549537 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
27 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Miss. Ilupeju, O. Ayanbimpe | System Analyst | F | 8135957978 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
28 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Folasade G. Aina | Assist. Chief Personal Secretary | F | 8051178481 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Library | |||||
29 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Adebanke A. Bolaji | Principal Internal Auditor | F | 8169080067 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Internal Audit | |||||
30 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oluwasanmi B. Ogunkeyede | Auditor II | M | 8038096015 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Internal Audit | |||||
31 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adeniji Olutayo A. | Academic Planning Officer I | M | 8067384862 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Academic Planning | |||||
32 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Oluwafemi S. Ojo | Academic Planning Officer | M | 8100377827 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Academic Planning | |||||
33 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Rev. Alvan Ewuzie | PAR (SAO)/University Chaplain | M | 8033046885 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
34 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Caroline O. Oyaleke | Asst. Registrar (NYSC Matters) | F | 8035245614 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
35 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Isaac A. Omolasoye | Admin Officer I | M | 7038445132 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
36 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Adewale J. Adegbite | Admin Officer II | M | 8063131906 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
37 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Aderibigbe, D. Atilola | Assist Guidance Psychologist | F | 7059998376 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
38 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Miss Hope A. Akinsunmade | Secretary III | F | 7068872871 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | Students’ Affairs | |||||
39 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Abiodun O. Amusan | Ag. Director Health Services | M | 8037198821 | | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
40 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Dr. Christene Eyonsa Etim | Medical Officer II | F | 9024666960 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
41 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Abidemi O. Adeyemo | Chief Nursing Officer | F | 8034231980 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
42 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Oluwafunmilayo K. Adeleke | Assistant Chief Nursing Officer | F | 8060039187 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
43 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Ruth O. Afonja | Principal Nursing Officer | F | 8038369303 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
44 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Ayodele J. Akinola | Snr. N. Superint. | M | 7031518192 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
45 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Motunrayo Olaoye | Staff Nurse II | F | 7033379388 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
46 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Mercy Ariyike Omodele | Staff Nurse II | F | 8136328303 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
47 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Mutiat O. Ogunsola | Nursing Officer II | F | 8169599174 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
48 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Miss Naomi O. Sheidu | Staff Nurse II | F | 7067292512 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
49 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mrs. Leticia O. Njoku | Snr. Med. Lab. Scientist | F | 7064534833 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
50 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Paul O. Oladejo | Pharmacy Technician | M | 7068406601 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services | |||||
51 | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | NairaMaster12 | 30/11/-0001 12:00 AM | 0 | Mr. Emmanuel Alalade | Medical Record Officer II | M | 7033346478 | [email protected] | Vice-Chancellor’s Office | University Health Services |
Full Name:
E-mail address:
Google Scholar Link:
ResearchGate Link:
Areas of Specialization:
Professional Membership:
2024/2025 Session Tuition fees (ONLY) | Minimum Payment Plan | ||||
PROGRAMMES | First Installment – 50% due on resumption of First semester | Second Installment – 25% due on resumption in January | Third Installment -25% due on resumption of second semester | ||
ARCHITECTURE | ₦ | ₦ | ₦ | ₦ | |
100 Level | 1,185,000.00 | 592,500.00 | 296,250.00 | 296,250.00 | |
200 Level | 1,075,000.00 | 537,500.00 | 268,750.00 | 268,750.00 | |
300 Level | 1,095,000.00 | 547,500.00 | 273,750.00 | 273,750.00 | |
400 Level | 1,105,000.00 | 552,500.00 | 276,250.00 | 276,250.00 | |
500 Level | 1,200,000.00 | 600,000.00 | 300,000.00 | 300,000.00 | |
ESTATE MANAGEMENT | ₦ | ₦ | ₦ | ₦ | |
100 Level | 995,000.00 | 497,500.00 | 248,750.00 | 248,750.00 | |
200 Level | 890,000.00 | 445,000.00 | 222,500.00 | 222,500.00 | |
300 Level | 890,000.00 | 445,000.00 | 222,500.00 | 222,500.00 | |
400 Level | 875,000.00 | 437,500.00 | 218,750.00 | 218,750.00 | |
500 Level | 950,000.00 | 475,000.00 | 237,500.00 | 237,500.00 |
100 Level | 900,000.00 | 450,000.00 | 225,000.00 | 225,000.00 |
200 Level | 800,000.00 | 400,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 |
300 Level | 850,000.00 | 425,000.00 | 212,500.00 | 212,500.00 |
400 Level | 850,000.00 | 425,000.00 | 212,500.00 | 212,500.00 |