ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]

Library Services

.:: Library Services

1.    We offer a proactive service with the aim of drawing the attention of library users to resources of general interest that can assist in learning, teaching and research – Current Awareness Service (CAS).

2.    The library offers Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service.  This is the matching of users’ interest with information supplied.  Information supplied is strictly based on users’ research profile.

3.    Online Reference to users – Users forward their enquiries to the library through the Internet and response sent to their e-mail.

4.    Virtual Library Service – The Virtual library is put in place specifically for students’ use.  It provides access to current information on the Internet to support class assignments.  A printer is available in the room to print needed materials.

5.    Information Literacy Services – This includes library orientation to freshers to acquaint them with the facilities and resources in the library, the arrangement and services offered. User education service is also provided for 100 level students as GES course.  Also, training sessions are arranged for lecturers and students on how to maximize e-resources for teaching, learning and research.

6.    Library Exhibition – Organized to sensitize users to certain materials in a given field or area in the library collection and to create awareness and education.

7.    The library issues referral letters to users who may want to access the resources of other libraries.