ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]



Course  Code Course Title Status L T P CREDIT
PHY 1101 General Physics I C 2 1 3
PHY 1103 General Physics III C 2 1 3
PHY 1107 Experimental Physics I C 1 1
MTH 1101 Elementary Mathematics I R 3 3
CHM 1103  Physical Chemistry I R 2 2
CHM 1105 Experimental Chemistry I R 1 1
STA 1101 Introduction to Statistics I R 2 1 3
CSC 1101 Introduction To Computing R 1 1 2
GES 1105 Use of Library and ICT C 2 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3 3
  Total         23

Student must take the compulsory GES course (s) and at least one elective course in a semester in accordance with the requirement of their department

C = Compulsory;       L = Lectures; T = Tutorial;  P = Practical;     E= Elective

Summary:     Compulsory = 12

                        Required     = 11       


200 LEVEL:              First Semester

Course  Code Course Title Status L T P CREDIT
PHY 2101 Elementary Modern Physics C 2 1 3
PHY 2103 Electronics I R 2 1 3
PHY 2104 Thermal Physics C 2 1 3
PHY 2105 Experimental Physics III C 1 1
MTH 2101 Real Analysis& Linear Algebra R 2 1 3
MTH 2103 Mathematical Methods I R 2 1 3
PHY 2106 Electromagnetism C 2 1 3
GES 2102 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy C 2 2
GES 2108 Introduction to Social Sciences  








  Total         23

Student must take the compulsory GES course (s) and at least one elective course in a semester in accordance with the requirement of their department.

* Direct Entry Students are expected to take the following 100 level GES courses in addition to              the 200 Level GES courses to fulfill the requirement for graduation:

GES 1105 Use of Library and ICT C 2 2
GES 1108 Communication in English C 3 3

C = Compulsory;       L = Lectures;T = Tutorial;   P = Practical;     E= Elective

Summary:     Compulsory = 12

                           Required      = 11        


300 LEVEL:                       First Semester

Course  Code Course Title Status L T P CREDIT
PHY 3101 Analytical Mechanics I C 2 1 3
PHY 3103 Electromagnetic Fields C 2 1 3
PHY 3105 Quantum Physics C 2 1 3
PHY 3107 Statistical and Thermal Physics C 2 2
PHY 3123 Solid State Physics I R 2 2
PHY 3109 Energy and Environment C 2 2
PHY 3193 Experimental Physics III C 1 1
PHY 3161 Electronic II (Analog Electronics) R 2 1 3
PHY 3197 Experimental Electronics II R 1 1
MTH 3113 Complex Analysis R 2 1 3
  TOTAL         23

C = Compulsory;       L = Lectures; T = Tutorial;              P = Practical;

Summary:     Compulsory =14

                          Required       = 9      


400 LEVEL:                       First Semester

Course  Code Course Title Status L T P CREDIT
PHY 4101 Quantum Mechanics I C 2 1 3
PHY 4102 Mathematical method of Physics I C 2 1 3
PHY 4103 Analytical  Mechanics II C 2 1 3
PHY  4104 Computational Physics C 2 1 3
PHY 4105 Experimental Physics IV C 1 1
PHY 4106 Individual Research Seminar C 1 1
PHY 4107 Digital Electronics R 2 2
PHY 4108 Measurement Instrumentation

and Control









PHY 4109 Experimental Electronics R 1 1
  TOTAL         19


Students to select not more than two (2) credits from the list of elective courses

PHY 4121       Atomic and Nuclear Physics I                                                   2

PHY 4166       Material Science                                                                        2

PHY 4167       Power Electronics                                                                     2

PHY 4168       Atmospheric physics                                                                 2

PHY 4165       Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Material                        2

PHY 4181       Introduction to Geophysics                                                      2

C = Compulsory;       L = Lectures; T = Tutorial;              P = Practical;

Summary:     Compulsory                = 14

                            Required                     =  5