ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image [email protected]


As a result of the ravaging Corona Virus (COVID – 19) Pandemic, and following due consultation with the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council of the University, Management has decided that the University will be shut for a period of three (3) weeks from Monday, March 30, 2020.

All members of staff will, therefore, proceed on leave from Monday, March 30, 2020, for a period of three (3) weeks. The period will be reckoned as part of the 2020 annual leave entitlement for each member of staff.

Staff on essential services are to perform skeletal services during the period and will be remunerated for such services by way of payment of overtime allowances for the period.

Members of Management will also proceed on leave but will be recalled if and when the need arises.

The Bursar will ensure that salaries are paid as due during the period of the global health crisis.

The University campus will be shut to all members of staff and visitors during the period, and NOBODY will be allowed entry into the campus except with the express permission of the Vice-Chancellor.

Members of staff are strongly advised to be vigilant and strictly observe all the preventive measures against COVID-19 such as regular handwash, maintenance of social distance, etc.

Management prays for divine protection for all members of staff during the period and beyond.

Thank you.


Adenike T. Fatogun                                                                                                                                                         ACU/RO/7.15

Registrar                                                                                                                                                                       March 25, 2020