ACU, Oyo

Welcome to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo where we raise Godly intellectuals, who proceed in their lifelong experience to become agents of great positive change and transformation in their immediate environment, the nation and in the world as a whole.

icon_widget_image Ajayi Crowther University, P.M.B 1066, Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria. icon_widget_image +(234) 807 114 2017 icon_widget_image


The Academic Planning Unit, which is headed by a Director, is an integral part of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.   It serves as a quality assurance control arm to ensure that acceptable standards of education, scholarship, teaching, administration and infrastructure are maintained in accordance with the Accreditation Body – The National Universities Commission (NUC) regulatory norms. 

Because, in a university setting, Academic planning is a participatory process, the Unit coordinates the determination of what to teach, who to admit, number of staff required, the determination of academic staff profile by categories, mix and qualification, teaching loads, student loads, housing capabilities as well as space utilization.

The Unit also serves as the repository of statistical information and data on the University performance.  When required, it conducts institutional research into identified problem areas.  In general, it provides liaison between the University and external bodies (national and international organizations) requiring information/data on the University’s performance.

Click on the ‘Search‘ icon in front of each record to view the full details of each staff.

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